Summit youth Ministry's purpose is idential to the wider church body: to glorify god by "making lifelong followers of jesus, becoming more like Him everyday." we are committed to discussing who jesus is and what it means to follow him. everyone is welcome! we seek to be gospel-centered, christ-focused, and driven by the scriptures in everything we do.

meeting times
Middle school: Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30
High school: Sunday nights from 5-7
Dinner is provided each week, as well as a time for a message, worship, and small groups. We encourage small group activities outside of youth group as well.
sunday mornings 11:00 A.M.-12:15 p.m.
High school (9-12) and middle school (6-8) start in the worship center and then move downstairs immediately after prayer. A typical Sunday includes a lite breakfast and a message.
Our Values
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Fun—Following Jesus gives us joy, so why should church be boring?
Making Faith Our Own—Some of our students are new to faith or just exploring it, and so we go over the foundational truths of the good news about Jesus. But more than that we challenge ourselves to move beyond mouthing our beliefs to being sure about them and actually living them out.
Followers for Life—Everyone is welcome, but we are unapologetically focused on shoring up a firm foundation for a life of following Jesus.
Making Faith Our Own—Some of our students are new to faith or just exploring it, and so we go over the foundational truths of the good news about Jesus. But more than that we challenge ourselves to move beyond mouthing our beliefs to being sure about them and actually living them out.
Followers for Life—Everyone is welcome, but we are unapologetically focused on shoring up a firm foundation for a life of following Jesus.